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Fireside Topic: How do you handle getting sick? - Wolf & Iron

Fireside Topic: How do you handle getting sick?

Fireside Topic: How do you handle getting sick?


I rarely get sick but have been bit with something now for about a week and a half. The first few days are alright, slowing down my pace for a while can be rejuvenating in a sense, but I am pretty much ready for this thing to be gone at this point. All that being said, being sick tests us in unique ways. I have noticed that my “Can-Do!” spirit is more easily attacked by the “you’ll never measure up…” thoughts. The Devil likes to kick us when we’re down apparently. Also, I just finished reading Lone Survivor (book review on the way) while sick, and hearing about what those guys went through and how tough those guys are reminded me of just how untested my framing really is. I can only hope I measure up should the day come that I can’t lie around and watch movies or work from home when I don’t feel well.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Are you a momma’s boy?
  • Do you milk it?
  • Do you allow yourself to rest?
  • Do you know your body’s limits?
  • Do you allow others to help you out?
  • Do you know the basics of how to get well?

Regardless of our situation in life, there is always a chance to learn something new about ourselves. Oh, and I can tell you this, chicken and dumplings is a cure-all, but be sure to make extra if you have teenage boys around.

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