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Jul 31, 2023

Chris Bruno // Making the most of life's second half

There are a lot of books on entrepreneurship, marriage, and raising kids. In fact, you’re likely to gain some much needed wisdom on any of these subjects just by being with and observing people who are in that season of life. However, when it comes to the second half of life, let’s say 40 onward, it can feel pretty lonely. My guest today is Chris Bruno and he’s the author of Sage: A Man's Guide Into His Second Passage. Chris brings focus into the oftentimes nebulous second stage of a man’s life. In our conversation we talk about mid-life crises, reconnecting with our boyhood as we grow older, and avoiding the pitfalls so many men fall into as they begin to realize their youth is a thing of the past.    

Aug 1, 2022

Maj Toure // Making The Hood Great Again

I started following Maj Toure over a year ago after seeing one of his shirts with a simple, but provocative phrase: Make Politicians Afraid Again. He has a heart to help black Americans understand the rights inherent to all men and declared in our Constitution. He's the founder of Black Guns Matter and the Solutionary Lifestyle and is a firm believer in the independent spirit that was so popular at the start of our nation. And he's not afraid to call out those who vie for our attention while doing little or nothing to actually make a difference.

Jul 25, 2022

Brandon Horoho of Montana Knife Company // Marketing American Made

I wanted to use a cool title for this one like Cutting Edge Marketing, Honed in Marketing Strategies, or Stabby Marketing Stab Stab, but I know that no one is going to search for that (although that last would have been a winner!) The truth is, marketing has been changing at a rapid pace but there are some strategies never fail. In this episode I talk to Montana Knife Company Co-Owner and Marketing Director Brandon Horoho. We discuss marketing a USA made knife brand, Montana Knife Company's growth and ethos, and strategies that work when popular advertising platforms don't allow your products.

Jul 18, 2022

David Dusek of Rough Cut Men // Connecting to the Hero Within

Men love movies! We're moved by the epic battles and struggles -- but also by the friendships and the thought of having something to really fight for. David Dusek gets it. His ministry Rough Cut Men helps guys connect through the films we love. To slow things down a bit and help us discover our heart as men. In this conversation, David Dusek and Mike Yarbrough discuss how to connect with a brotherhood in a world that is pushing isolationism.

Jul 11, 2022

Stephen Mansfield // Finding the Fire in our Lives

It's painfully obvious that men are lacking the "fire in the belly" that they ought to have. They long for it, but many of them don't have a clear understanding of the spirited drive that a man should have in different areas of his life. I talk with my friend Stephen Mansfield about his book Men on Fire and the ways in which a man needs to burn brightly in order to find the fulfilment in life he so desires.

Jul 4, 2022

Eric Barker // Plays Well With Others

What if what we know about relationships is mostly wrong? What if our expectations for how a relationship should work are way off? That's what 2x podcast guest and author Eric Barker writes about in his new book, Plays Well With Others. We dive into a few topics from the book, I share some personal stories, and we laugh at his wall coverings!

May 30, 2022

Bert Sorin // Running After Life

Most men allow life to come to them, while others run after it, making the most of the time we're granted. Bert Sorin is a man on a mission, and in this episode we talk about building on an American dream, hard work, life at the top, and how to have a legendary life.

May 23, 2022

Graham Tuttle // The Philosophy of Barefoot Running

I love running barefoot. There was a time when I thought I may never be able to run again without enduring a week of painful walking afterwards. Graham Tuttle gets this and coaches people on how to run, move, and listen to their bodies to become the best advocates for their health.

Mar 14, 2022

Christian Watson (1924us) // Living a Dream & Sharing Your Values

Christian Watson is living his dream and sharing his values through the work he does. He and his wife Elle own 1924us, a branding business that has a very nostalgic feel. In this episode, Christian and I talk about how 1924 got started, his venturing life, fatherhood, and the future of social media.

Mar 7, 2022

Chris Romrell // Chris Pratt's Stunt Double

I think every guy is fascinated by the life of a stuntman. We love to see the behind-the-scenes of movies and watch as these guys get blown up, beat up, bounced around...and then get up and do it again. Chris Romrell had his heart set on being a stuntman from an early age and he took action to ensure that happened. Now, as Chris Pratt's trusted stunt double, he's living out his calling and enjoying the heck out of life!

Feb 28, 2022

Mike Glover // Entrepreneurship & Survival Preparedness

Every man knows in his gut that he needs to be more prepared for surviving -- and thriving -- in a world turned upside down. Whether it is a car accident or a societal collapse, we must be ready. My guest today, Mike Glover, is an expert in this area and shares his insights on both preparedness and what it's like to start a business that focuses on survival.

Feb 21, 2022

Vic Verdier // Staying Fit at Fifty

My guest today, Vic Verdier, is proof that age is just a number and that most men can experience their prime well into their 50s and 60s. In this episode we talk about what it takes to keep your body and testosterone operating at a high level as you age.
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