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Mar 25, 2022

FF10. Social Media & Your Kids // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

Social media is absolutely wrecking our kids. In just about every measurable way it is having a negative impact on them. It's harming their ability to connect in the real world, their sleep, their moods (depression/anxiety numbers are soaring), and even their health.And while it's not just our kids who have an issue , it is their generation that doesn't know a life without social media.Parents need to wake up and take this seriously.

Jun 17, 2016

Wolf & Iron Podcast #007: Father’s Day Special – Our Good Fathers

For this special Father’s Day episode of the Wolf and Iron podcast, I sent out a clarion call to men who have had good influences in their lives, either a grandfather, father, or mentor, to share a bit about those good men and the legacy of generational blessings they left behind. It was ...

Sep 10, 2015

My Story – From Fatherless to Manliness

There is a common thread which runs through the frayed cord of men, not only in our time and the last many generations, but in time immemorial: our fathers. Whether good or bad or all-together absent, fathers impact the lives of their sons. Here is my story of going from fatherless to manliness.

Jun 18, 2015

TRThursday: Teddy’s Father, Theodore (Thee) Roosevelt Sr. (aka “Great Heart”)

“My father got me breath, he got me lungs, strength, life. I could breathe, I could sleep when he had me in his arms.” – Theodore Roosevelt on his father I write this article on the eve of Father’s Day, so I thought it appropriate to take a closer look at ...

Jun 15, 2015

Father’s Day: The Power of Encouragement

“Father! — to God himself we cannot give a holier name.” — William Wordsworth, English Poet, 1770-1850 Last Father’s Day I wrote about the Importance of Fathers. That article sparked some awareness in myself to the small but powerful ways we dads have in impacting our children, and particularly ...

Jun 11, 2014

Father’s Day: The Importance of Fathers

“The widespread observance of this occasion (Father’s Day) is calculated to establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and also to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.” – Calvin Coolidge, 30th US President, 1872–1933 Each year we celebrate fathers. We grill out, get him a tie ...
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