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Gluten and Men’s Health: Part 4 – The Super Tasty, Blog Worthy, Gluten Free Bread Recipe - Wolf & Iron

Gluten and Men’s Health: Part 4 – The Super Tasty, Blog Worthy, Gluten Free Bread Recipe

So, you’ve found out that you are gluten sensitive and now the only thing you think you can eat and be happy is a bullet, right? Let’s face it, life is going to change. Thanksgiving will never be the same…ever. In fact, most holidays, potlucks, get-together’s and probably breakfast, lunch and dinner, are never going to be the same. Oh, and lest I forget, no alternative grain taste as good as wheat bread. There are some things that get pretty close, usually of the cake variety, but wheat has been king for a reason — it’s just delicious. But now it has to go away, unless of course you can use Einkorn wheat, which is lower in gluten but not gluten-free.

On the positive side you are going to be manlier. For starters, you will know more about what you are eating and why; you will begin to make informed decisions about your diet. And, the longer you stay gluten-free the less inflammation there will be in your body, leaving your body to concentrate on things like producing testosterone rather than cortisol (which suppresses testosterone) which causes all kinds of manly things to happen. Also, going gluten-free is fun; it makes eating a small challenge and the little things, like finding gluten-free cupcakes on vacation, a real treat.

Gluten-Free Bread Recipe

One of the differences in Gluten-Free bread making is the consistency of the dough. Unlike traditional bread dough, which is pliable, malleable, and rather dry, gluten-free dough tends to be sticky and wet. Thankfully we don’t have to knead the dough in this recipe. Everything else follows a traditional bread making process.



  • Large Bowl
  • Medium Bowl
  • 2 9×5 Loaf Pans
  • Sturdy Spoon (Preferably Wooden)
  • Large Fork (for spreading the dough evenly)
  • Whisk or Beaters

Wet Ingredients

  • 3 Cups Milk
  • 1 Egg (optional)
  • 5 Tbsp. Apple Sauce
  • 1/4 Cup Honey

Dry Ingredients

For Yeast

  • 1 Cup Warm Water (110-115F)
  • 2 Packets of Yeast


The Short Version

If you know something about baking bread, this version is for you.

Add the yeast packets to the warm water until the Yeast activates (about 10 minutes). The temperature of the water is very important so use a candy thermometer to be sure it is around 110F unless you have done it before. Combine the wet ingredients well in the Medium Bowl. Combine the dry ingredients well in the Large Bowl. Add the yeast to the wet ingredients after it has activated. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir with a Spoon until you have a sticky concoction. Grease and flour the loaf pans. Evenly divide the dough between the two pans and use the Large Fork to push the dough into the corners and smooth it down. A metal fork or other non-porous utensil is needed due to the stickiness of the dough.

Let the dough rise, either in an oven on a low temperature or in some other warm spot, for an hour or more. Pre-heat the oven to 400F and once the dough has risen significantly, bake for up to an hour.

The Walk-through

If you have never baked bread or aren’t generally that handy in the kitchen, this version is for you.

Before getting started, collect the ingredients you will need.

Step 1: Preparing the Yeast

I like to use a metal bowl for this as it seems to retain the temperature of the water better than ceramic, but use whatever you have. You will need a cup of water that is 110-115F. If it’s too hot you will kill the yeast. If you don’t have a thermometer you can come close to the temperature by running water over the back of your hand. If you can only hold your hand over the water for 3 seconds then it is about right.

Add the Yeast Packets to the warm water and set aside. In about 10 minutes it should begin to look like the picture below.

yeast working properly in gluten free bread recipe

Yeast Working Properly

Step 2: Combine the Dry Ingredients

In the Large Bowl combine all of the dry ingredients and mix well.

Step 3: Combine the Wet Ingredients

In the Medium Bowl combine all of the wet ingredients. I like to use a mixer at this stage as it helps to ensure the egg and honey are evenly dispersed.

Note: Once the yeast has activated, add it to the wet ingredients and stir it in gently.

Mixing the wet ingredients for Gluten Free Bread

Mixing the wet ingredients for Gluten Free Bread

Step 4: Add Wet Ingredients to Dry Ingredients

Use a Sturdy Spoon for this step as the dough will be pretty thick. If you have a bread mixer it can be used but is not necessary. The final consistency should be clumpy, not smooth.

Gluten Free Bread Dough Consistency

Gluten Free Bread Dough Consistency

Step 5: Grease and Flour the Loaf Pans

Add a little oil to the loaf pans and spread with a paper towel. The add a spoonful of flour (gluten-free of course) to the pans. Rotate the pans to spread the flour, knocking them with your hands when it clumps. Finally, knock any excess flour into the sink.

Grease and Flour Loaf Pans

Grease and Flour Loaf Pans

Step 6: Divide the Dough into the Loaf Pans and Spread

Divide the dough evenly into the two loaf pans. Spread the dough using a non-porous utensil such as a large fork. The indentations will disappear with rising and baking.

Gluten Free Bread Dough Separated into Loaf Pans

Gluten Free Bread Dough Separated into Loaf Pans

Spreading the Dough with a Fork

Spreading the Dough with a Fork

Step 7: Let the Dough Ruse for an Hour or More

Once the dough is evenly divided, it needs to rise. Some ovens have a proofing setting which can be used for this purpose, but a warm car or spot in the house will work as well. Since the yeast is active, the dough will rise in the fridge as well, but this will take longer. I let my dough rise for over an hour.

Gluten Free Bread Dough after Rising for Over an Hour

Gluten Free Bread Dough after Rising for Over an Hour

Step 8: Bake at 400F for 45 mins to 1 hour

Be sure to pre-heat the oven first. When a bamboo skewer or long toothpick can be inserted in the middle and comes our clean, it’s ready.

Step 9: Cool on Wire Rack

You may need a butter knife to peel the edges away from the loaf pans before it will come free. Set on a wire rack and let cool. If you cut the bread too soon it may lose its form.

Final Gluten Free Loaf

Final Gluten Free Loaf

Step 10: Cut and Enjoy!

This is the best part! You’ll soon find out why you made two loafs!

Gluten Free Bread Sliced with Butter

Gluten Free Bread Sliced with Butter

Store Bought Gluten-Free Bread Alternatives

If you aren’t up for making bread yourself there are a few alternatives. Udi’s is the most popular brand around here but Canyon Bakehouse has them beat in my opinion.

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