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Wolf & Iron Podcast #32: Millennials and Generation Z with Dr. Tim Elmore - Wolf & Iron

Wolf & Iron Podcast #32: Millennials and Generation Z with Dr. Tim Elmore

Wolf & Iron Podcast #32: Millennials and Generation Z with Dr. Tim Elmore


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the term “millennial”? I’m guessing it’s not hard-working, determined, sacrificial, wise, gutsy, strong or any such description that we have come to admire in generations past. As for Gen Z, there’s a good chance that it’s a new term for you. As my sons are 15 and 18 years old, I am a Gen Z parent, and I see some things I really love about this generation and some things that worry me. As a business owner and former software developer, I have and do work with some millennials and can say that some of the stereotypes are true; they do love their coffee.

But, what are the strengths and weaknesses of these generations? How do they think? They’ve been born into a world of tech and instant-everything, so how has that affected their world view? And, do they have what it takes to succeed in the world?

My guest, Dr. Tim Elmore, has some answers and some encouragement about the generations for which their elders have only regarded the negatives.

They Have What it Takes, but Need Help

Millennials and Gen Z’ers are a community driven and creative bunch. They aren’t going to do “work” in the same way as their forbears, and to some this looks like lazy and recalcitrant behavior. Tim Elmore believes the way they are going to get things done is going to surprise and shake a lot of us who came before.

What are Their Views on God, Religion, and Politics?

This is an important question many of us have in regards to the generations which will impact and inherit this world. Do they consider religion pure folly? How do they think about death? Are they at all interested in engaging politically, or is it an old man’s game?

Key Topics

  • Who are Millennials and Generation Z?
  • How do they view the world differently?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How can previous generations help them to be their best?

More on Dr. Tim Elmore

I first heard about Dr. Elmore when enrolling my eldest in college. They used some of Elmore’s thoughts on Gen Z to help parents better understand the generation that is entering college and the workforce. He has a fantastic mind on this subject and is so good at sharing his thoughts, I knew I had to have him on the podcast.

Get his book: Marching off the map

Wolf & Iron Podcast #32: Millennials and Generation Z with Dr. Tim Elmore

Marching Off the Map by Dr. Tim Elmore. (click the image to go to Amazon)

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