Other than a knife, there is likely no tool which folds so easily and is as versatile as a bandana. In fact, they should call it a MANdana because every man should carry one.
Handkerchiefs are for sickly people who like to wave the flag of surrender.

Handkerchiefs are for wimps
Bandanas are for men!

Bandanas = Vigilante Justice = Manly
21 Uses for a Bandana
1. Mask
Whether it’s dusty air or you need to perform a hold-up, bandana’s got you covered…literally.
2. Sweat Band
Sometimes eyebrows aren’t enough.
3. Molotov Cocktail Fuse
Ah, the Molotov, uniting anarchist worldwide.
4. Tourniquet (to control bleeding)
In case of bone protrusion or major hemorrhaging only.
5. Pressure Cloth
No need to ruin a perfectly good shirt. Fold it or bunch it up. Bandana can handle the job.
6. Sling
You’ll need a fairly large bandana for this unless you are just supporting by the wrist. Slings are used after a shoulder or arm injury to help immobilize your gun slinger.
7. Splint Tie (to steady or brace an appendage)
Ropes are for dopes when bandana is on the scene. You’ll need at least two for securing the splint.
8. Cool Rag (under hat)
Working in the heat? Soak a bandana in water, fold, and put it under your cap.
9. Bandage
If possible, boil the bandana in water to sterilize before using as a make-shift bandage.
10. Smoke Blocker (wet it first)
A wet bandana over the mouth and nose can trap harmful particles and reduce smoke inhalation.
11. Handcuffs
While you’re not likely to bind Houdini with it, the bandana can certainly secure a troublemaker.
12. Blind Fold
Keep the secret lair secret with bandana! Also good for “pin the tail on the donkey” and possibly kidnapping.
13. Extended Reach Weapon (Slap Jack)
What do you get when you put a rock in a bandana and swing it like a mad-man? Whatever you want. :-0
14. Gag (in mouth)
It should be fairly clear that a bandana can greatly aid in many nefarious schemes.
15. Water Purifier
While it won’t protect you from Giardia, a bandana can filter out many larger particles that can cause intestinal or other issues such as mosquitos and fungal matter.
16. Toilet Paper
Just in case the water purification didn’t work. Also, once toilet paper, always toilet paper. I suppose you could clean it and boil it if you absolutely had to reuse.
17. Ear Muffs
While bandanas are usually associated with the dry and hot West, they are actually useful in cool weather as well.
18. Stuff Sack
This works better with a larger bandana, but if you have only a few items and your pockets are filled up or need to keep it away from bears, a regular bandana will work just fine.
19. Washcloth
It’s the little things that count when you’re roughin’ it in the wilderness. Getting cleaned up once in a while feels pretty good.
20. Sun Protection
Whether on a hike or in the yard, bandana has like SPF 1000 and it won’t give you cancer.
21. Tea Bag
There are a lot of cures for ailments in the wild which come from plants, roots, and tree bark, many of which can be brewed into teas for maximum potency. You’ll want to make sure the bandana has been thoroughly washed and\or boiled so that no color or detergents spoil your tea. Also, never use if the bandana has already performed the number 16!
Have anything to add?
I am sure there are several other uses for the bandana. If you have any to share, please do so in the comments below.
– Yarbrough