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Belief & Action // Truck Talk Thursday - Wolf & Iron

Belief & Action // Truck Talk Thursday

True belief must be accompanied by action. This is done because A) you believe reality actually resembles your belief and therefore action is a rational step, or B) to test and see if reality matches your belief so that you might adjust your beliefs to match reality. In either case, a belief which remains only in the mind has no power unless it is acted upon. 

Action is the Proving of Belief

The role of belief, or faith, is not to be 100% accurate. It is a placeholder of sorts for the real thing. In order to prove our belief we have to put it to the test. Once this occurs, and we find our beliefs to be true, those beliefs become principles. They move from the realm of the mind and situate themselves in our bones. We stand on them and trust in them differently than we did before putting them to the test.

Fear is the Enemy of Belief

When we have a belief, we likely hold more than one. There is almost always an opposing belief until our faith is put to the test. For example, you likely don't worry that the chair you're going to sit in is going to give out. That is, unless you're a bigun' as we say in the South.

But, for those beliefs that you have not tested, the opposing belief rings all the more loudly the closer you come to putting them to the test. Fear asks, "What if I'm wrong?", but, the deeper mind says, "If I am wrong I will have to change my view of the world," which is even scarier. One the belief is put to the test, it will become a principle for you...good or bad.

Examples of Beliefs which Demand Action

Most men hold a belief within ourselves that we are capable of more. More life, more giving, more strength, more stamina, more relationships and so forth. These are the beliefs that must be put into action. The result of untested belief is always regret.

If you believe that you would love to travel, as a simple example, yet you never do, you will have tremendous regret later in life.

If you believe that you would make a great dad, or just that you would love to have kids, but you never do, there will be regret.

If you believe that you are better suited as an entrepreneur or in a different career, no matter how vastly different from what you do now but you never act, you will have regret.

Belief demands action. It calls out for it. Will you heed the call?

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