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Curiosity is Greater than Certainty // Truck Talk Thursday - Wolf & Iron

Curiosity is Greater than Certainty // Truck Talk Thursday

I've achieved more in life through curiosity than I ever have through certainty. Developing a mindset of curiosity, especially about new efforts, will aid you in moving forward as a man and accomplishing your goals in ways you never expected.

The End Result of Certainty

Certainty almost always leads to cynicism and criticism. The mind which relies only on it's own certain beliefs has put up barriers to growth. Thus, when someone expresses a different opinion or option to life, certainty is held to so strongly that it actually rejects new ideas rather vehemently. It takes some work for a cynical person to see the value in something new. They end up missing out on the possibilities in life because they learned to reject "possibility". 

Stay Curious

For me, curiosity takes almost no effort at all. I've always been willing to try and fail and discover. The hardest thing for me has been seeing life from other people's perspective. Although curious, I was, for years, really unable to see things as other people did and was dismissive of their points of view.

Wherever your struggle is, whether in relationships or artistic choices or operational practices at work, try to be open minded. Ask questions and act as though there might be some merit to other ideas. Be willing to be wrong and appreciate a good idea even if it's not your own.

By remaining curious, you'll soften your heart and open your mind and you'll achieve more that you could have imagined.

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