This #TRThursday should be a challenge for all of us. Every man has opinions, but fewer of us are action oriented. We want to see change in the world but we don’t seek opportunities to make those changes happen. We would rather not be inconvenienced, leave it up to the professionals or the authorities. Check out TR’s words below and ask yourself the question, “What are my thoughts and what are my actions?” Are you a man of action or merely a man of thoughts? Do you spend your time wishing and hoping, or working? Is mankind (your family, friends, community, country) impacted by your actions?
- #TRThursday articles give us some manly insight and wisdom from Theodore Roosevelt every Thursday. Sometimes a quote, sometimes a snippet of his life...always manly! Read other TRThursday articles here. -
Great Thoughts vs. Great Actions

Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind. – Theodore Roosevelt