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What's Your Word of the Year? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY - Wolf & Iron

What's Your Word of the Year? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

This is my 4th year of having a specific word to focus on. In hindsight, this has had more of a lasting effect on me than goal setting. Goals can often be marked by behavior change, but adhering to a word is to adhere to a definition...or a defining of one's character; it's much more introspective.

Here are my words of the year for the last 3 years and for 2020:

  • 2017 - Present - To be present and aware of where I am and who I'm with and to limit my mind wondering. To be in the moment.
  • 2018 - Mindful - To be mindful of the people that I am with and how they may be perceiving the moment. So, while I am practicing being present, I am also practicing awareness of other people's points of view and what a moment means to there heart and mind.
  • 2019 - Intentional - To try and create more moments in which to be Present and Mindful. To be intentional with my time and thoughts.
  • 2020 - Heart(ful) - To be more aware of my own heart and to increase the capacity for feeling and expressing love and joy towards others and to God.
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