Movember 2015 has officially come to an end. We had some impressive moustaches and some equally impressive fund raising! Our team of 27 Mo Bros and 1 Mo Sista raised over $2,000 and got their MOVE on!
And the Winners Are…
Our Movember team, The Order of the Wolf, was a joint effort by Order of Man and Wolf & Iron to pull together a team with the goal of fighting for men’s health. We were also able to partner with some great companies such as Buffalo Jackson, Dr. Jon’s Shave Soaps, and Southern Man Beard Oil, to give away some great prizes to our top Mo Bros. Here are the guys that took the top prizes.
Mo Bro “Dough Getter” Winner – Chris Mattmiller!
Up until the last day or so it looked like Chris was going to come in second place, but then some contests at work gave him the bump to assure him victory. Chris raised $709, making him the easy choice to be our Top Mo Bro this year! Thanks for your awesome efforts, Chris! Your Buffalo Jackson duffle and other manly prizes will be shipped soon!
Mo Bro “Best Mo” Winner – Terry Shott!
Terry raised some dough but more impressively grew his Mo. I think it is a great fit. He had an agreement with his wife that if he didn’t hit his Movember fundraising goal he would keep the stash. That thing is too sweet to shave, bro! Thanks for being our Movember Best Mo winner this year! I’ll get your prizes out the door as soon as I can.

Terry Shott, winner of this year’s best Mo contest! Notice the Art of Manliness, Theodore Roosevelt print in the background? Some serious manliness going on in this picture!
Mo Sista of the Year – Melanie Zufall!
Movember isn’t just for the fellas. Melanie joined the team and Moved 25 of 30 days of the month! That’s dedication! Way to go Melanie! I’ll make sure some lady-approved goods get sent your way! Somehow I don’t think beard oil would be much appreciated ;-).
Notable Mention to Our Movember Finalists
I want to make sure I recognize the Mo Bros that put forth an excellent effort both in fund-raising and also stache growing.
Eric Zufall
Eric is a fellow F3’er and friend. This is his second year as a Mo Bro and he really brought the stache this year. Eric also played a big role in drumming up excitement for our Movember kick-off and fundraising efforts. Thanks, brother!
Stephen Parrish
Stephen is a good friend and I was excited to hear he was growing the Mo this year. His broom-stache helped clean up cancer this Movember! (See what I did there?) Solid effort, my friend! Thanks!
Thanks to our Sponsors
Partnering with men and businesses to help get the word out about men’s health is what Movember is all about! This year I had the opportunity to work with several small businesses and made some new friendships as well. You can find our more about our sponsors by checking out this article, but I wanted to say one last Thank You for your generosity and support! You are appreciated!
Until next Movember,