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Feed the Wolf

Oct 21, 2022

FF13. Guilds are a GO! // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! After more than a year of planning, testing, and preparing, we have launched Guilds inside The Foundry. I'm looking for more Guild leads and men to band together and take this to the next level!

Oct 20, 2022

The Perks of a Midlife Crisis // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Reaching midlife is a time for celebration and a time for reflection. It's also a good time to own the direction of your life and get real about the man you want to be for your remaining years.

Sep 29, 2022

The Last Great Age of Humanity? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

We truly live in an amazing time. We're advancing so quickly that we are living to see our sci-fi dreams come true -- and will likely live to see them become nightmares. Humanity gets the credit for getting us this far. It was us that sailed around the world, visited the moon, built robots for Mars and so on. The list of accomplishments are many and we will continue to be part of our achievements in the future, but we won't get all the credit.

Sep 22, 2022

The Loss of Sentimentality // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Men are sentimental by design. God put within us a heart that connects with the idea of legacy and the meaning of things beyond the superficial. But, our current culture promotes a life of transient pleasures -- a life without attachments or lasting significance. This mindset is making men miserable. We need to get back to thinking long term and appreciate the sentimental nature within us.

Sep 2, 2022

FF12. Media & Family Connectedness // FOUNDRY FRIDAY

Media is severely disrupting out ability to attach to a family the way we should and it's leading to an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Here's what you need to know.

Sep 1, 2022

Finding Your Mission // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation..." - Henry David Thoreau It's true. By the time a man reaches his late 20s he often feels missionless. He drifts around, with a lot of things to do but without that sense of deep fulfillment and purpose. In this episode I talk about how our missions change in life and how there is one mission most men should be about.

Aug 25, 2022

The Best Age to Get Married // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Although the true best age to get married is when you find the lady who's right for you, there are some reasons why a man should get married sooner than later.

Aug 1, 2022

Maj Toure // Making The Hood Great Again

I started following Maj Toure over a year ago after seeing one of his shirts with a simple, but provocative phrase: Make Politicians Afraid Again. He has a heart to help black Americans understand the rights inherent to all men and declared in our Constitution. He's the founder of Black Guns Matter and the Solutionary Lifestyle and is a firm believer in the independent spirit that was so popular at the start of our nation. And he's not afraid to call out those who vie for our attention while doing little or nothing to actually make a difference.

Jul 28, 2022

When Nature No Longer Teaches Us // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

What happens when we remove ourselves from nature for a few generations? How is our thinking about life, death, and reality compromised when we no longer have the foundational teachings of nature? I discuss these things in this episode and hopefully inspire you to spend time in the great out of doors.

Jul 25, 2022

Brandon Horoho of Montana Knife Company // Marketing American Made

I wanted to use a cool title for this one like Cutting Edge Marketing, Honed in Marketing Strategies, or Stabby Marketing Stab Stab, but I know that no one is going to search for that (although that last would have been a winner!) The truth is, marketing has been changing at a rapid pace but there are some strategies never fail. In this episode I talk to Montana Knife Company Co-Owner and Marketing Director Brandon Horoho. We discuss marketing a USA made knife brand, Montana Knife Company's growth and ethos, and strategies that work when popular advertising platforms don't allow your products.

Jul 21, 2022

Why Woke Movies Suck! // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

It's hard to find a movie or TV show these days that isn't pumped full of the woke agenda. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if the rest of the movie was good, but unfortunately, seeing the world through a woke filter changes how you view relationships and reality, thus making it nearly impossible for woke writers to create a story that really hits home.

Jul 18, 2022

David Dusek of Rough Cut Men // Connecting to the Hero Within

Men love movies! We're moved by the epic battles and struggles -- but also by the friendships and the thought of having something to really fight for. David Dusek gets it. His ministry Rough Cut Men helps guys connect through the films we love. To slow things down a bit and help us discover our heart as men. In this conversation, David Dusek and Mike Yarbrough discuss how to connect with a brotherhood in a world that is pushing isolationism.
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