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Mar 19, 2015

TRThursday: Cooler Than You and Me by Age 15!

Most accounts of Theodore Roosevelt’s life gloss over his early years. His battle and victory over his health issues are generally included, particularly asthma and cholera morbus (a bacterial attack on the bowels resulting in what one would expect), then jump into his Harvard boxing days and see our hero transformed into a fit, ...

Jan 19, 2015

Man to Man: On Abortion

“Abortion is an attack on the family and the humanity that unites us all.” – Alveda King, Civil Rights Activist, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, 1951 – Present Most discussions around the sensitive topic of abortion focus on the arguments spun up by politicians, in particular a woman’s right to ...

Jan 8, 2015

Man to Man: Cutting the Apron Strings

Although families are more detached than ever, there is still a tendency for some men to be momma's boys for the rest of their lives. As men, we've got to learn to cut the apron strings.

Dec 30, 2014

Creating a Yearly Retrospective with Start. Stop. Keep.

New Year’s resolutions are sooo last year! Really, creating resolutions, and inevitably breaking them, has become so cliché that it’s not even worth writing an article about. However, there is something to be gained by looking back on the last year and forward to the new year and thinking about how you have grown ...

Oct 30, 2014

The Mind of a Man: Compartmentalization

While there are exceptions, it is pretty well-known that the male brain processes and prioritizes information differently than the female. Here is how compartmentalization works and how it affects the mind of a man.

Oct 22, 2014

Captains of Industry: Spencer and Ben Young of Sturdy Brothers

When I began writing the Captains of Industry article series, my hope was to find men who struck out on their own, took the road less traveled, and used their talents, passions, and manly perspiration and persistence to create a life for themselves and great products and services for others. The ...

Oct 17, 2014

Fireside Topic: How have you handled unemployment?

“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” – Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. President, 1858-1919 Cesar Millan, better known as the Dog Whisperer, said that “Every dog needs a job to do.” Most of the dogs that we ...

Oct 7, 2014

Can a Gay Man be Manly?

The recent rulings of the Supreme Court on gay marriage have inspired me to write on a subject I have been thinking about for some time. Rather than tackling the issue of whether same-sex couples should be allowed to get married and the impact on society, I just want to answer this: Can a gay man be manly?

Sep 23, 2014

Fireside Topic: How does your ancestry affect your view of yourself?

I must have been about 10 years old, visiting my dad’s side of the family. My cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents were all gathered in the living room as the news came on. The TV was always on in the house and we weren’t paying any particular attention to it when the reporter ...

Sep 3, 2014

Fireside Topic: As a husband, what do you want to do well?

Marriage has unspoken expectations that a wife is generally more aware of than a man. So that brings us to the question: What do you want to do well as a husband? See some ideas to guide your answer in this week's Fireside Topic.

Aug 29, 2014

Fireside Topic: What lesson do you wish you had learned before leaving home?

There have been several occasions in my adult life where I have thought, “I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I had learned this before I became an adult.” Sometimes it is related to an everyday thing like being an early riser or following a budget. Other times it is ...

Jul 16, 2014

Fireside Topic: What is a good age to get married?

I got married when I was just over 18 years old and let me tell you, it was a hard road for many years. Getting married young certainly has its benefits, but it also comes with its challenges. Perhaps this is what worries me when I see teens (or close to) planning their ...
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