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Jun 19, 2015

Mourning the Loss of a Father: Men Share Their Thoughts on the Death of Their Dad

The death of a father is not something men generally talk about, leaving us at a loss on how to deal with it when it occurs. This article is a living and growing account from men who have lost a father or grandfather: what their dad was like, how he affected them, and how they ...

Jun 18, 2015

TRThursday: Teddy’s Father, Theodore (Thee) Roosevelt Sr. (aka “Great Heart”)

“My father got me breath, he got me lungs, strength, life. I could breathe, I could sleep when he had me in his arms.” – Theodore Roosevelt on his father I write this article on the eve of Father’s Day, so I thought it appropriate to take a closer look at ...

Jun 15, 2015

Father’s Day: The Power of Encouragement

“Father! — to God himself we cannot give a holier name.” — William Wordsworth, English Poet, 1770-1850 Last Father’s Day I wrote about the Importance of Fathers. That article sparked some awareness in myself to the small but powerful ways we dads have in impacting our children, and particularly ...

Apr 30, 2015

Call to Write: Mourning the Loss of a Father

Hey brothers. A follower of Wolf and Iron recently reached out to me to see if I had any articles on dealing with the loss of a father. I didn’t, and felt that while I would like to write an article on the subject (as I have thoughts on this subject like many ...

Mar 19, 2015

TRThursday: Cooler Than You and Me by Age 15!

Most accounts of Theodore Roosevelt’s life gloss over his early years. His battle and victory over his health issues are generally included, particularly asthma and cholera morbus (a bacterial attack on the bowels resulting in what one would expect), then jump into his Harvard boxing days and see our hero transformed into a fit, ...

Jan 19, 2015

Man to Man: On Abortion

“Abortion is an attack on the family and the humanity that unites us all.” – Alveda King, Civil Rights Activist, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, 1951 – Present Most discussions around the sensitive topic of abortion focus on the arguments spun up by politicians, in particular a woman’s right to ...

Aug 29, 2014

Fireside Topic: What lesson do you wish you had learned before leaving home?

There have been several occasions in my adult life where I have thought, “I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I had learned this before I became an adult.” Sometimes it is related to an everyday thing like being an early riser or following a budget. Other times it is ...

Jun 11, 2014

Father’s Day: The Importance of Fathers

“The widespread observance of this occasion (Father’s Day) is calculated to establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and also to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.” – Calvin Coolidge, 30th US President, 1872–1933 Each year we celebrate fathers. We grill out, get him a tie ...

May 1, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Review

Walter Mitty isn’t a manly man. He works in the basement of Life Magazine’s corporate office, processing film negatives in what appears to be a massive, windowless, and well-organized darkroom. If we didn’t have the ability to experience his fantasy filled “zoning out” spells along with him, he would seem to be a ...

Mar 26, 2014

Fireside Topic: As a father, what do you want to do well?

Fatherhood is not a passive event where you simply make sure the kids stay alive for 18 years and then you’re in the clear. As a father, you teach, lead, guide, and do all of these things through example first, and words second. In this, what do you want to do well? Let's consider it in this week's Fireside Topic.
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