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Feed the Wolf

Dec 3, 2020

Should Men be The De Facto Leader? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

We talk a lot about leadership here at Wolf & Iron, but does this mean that men should always be the de facto leader?Speaking particularly of leadership roles in the home, this episode talks about why I believe men are called to lead. Spoiler, it's not because we're always better at it.

Nov 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Although 2020 has been a crazy year (and it's not over yet) there is a lot we can still be thankful for. Take a moment to thank God for your health, your friends and family, your dog, and maybe even your cat.

Nov 19, 2020

The Regressive Movement // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

You've likely heard of the Progressive Movement which was started by presidents Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt, among others, and has continued to this day. However, we're now seeing something I'm calling the "Regressive Movement" which uses the past as a tool, not for growth, but for blame. And, it keeps people stuck in a victimized mindset with the only hope being a great rescuer i.e., big government.

Nov 12, 2020

Causeless Young Men // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Throughout history young men have been more easily persuaded to go to war or join some reckless cause in an effort to make their mark on the world and have the sense of belonging to a group. Shame on us for not offering them a worthwhile cause to fight for.

Nov 5, 2020

Are You Driven or Deliberate? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

For many men, apathy and abdication of responsibility is the natural state. It's not surprising, then, that when we hear of a man being driven and passionately pursuing something that we champion him. However, there is a difference between being driven and being deliberate.

Oct 29, 2020

Privilege Thinking is Pure Rot // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

If you're looking at the world through the lens of "who's privileged and who isn't" you're going to find plenty of what you're looking for. However, you'll be feeding a scarcity mindset and using your privilege meter as a way to determine your ability to achieve in life.

Oct 22, 2020

Why Do We Do Social Media? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

We're over a decade familiar with social media. The ability to connect with people all over the world in an instant is now something we take for granted. But, why do we do it? What do we hope to get from it.As many people are looking for alternatives to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, do we really know what we want to accomplish on a new platform?

Oct 15, 2020

Response vs. Reaction // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Have you ever found yourself reacting to a situation rather than responding in the way you would like? We all have a natural instinct to respond to arguments and frustrations, but learning how to craft a "response" that we can be proud of takes time.In this episode I'll walk you through the difference between the two and how to get to a place of responding rather than reacting.

Oct 8, 2020

The Courage Of Belief // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

It takes a courageous man to witness the chaos in the world, along with the love in the world, and still believe in an Ultimate Good. Atheist can, at their discretion, opt out from the challenges that arise by holding onto an objective moral standard. Christians cannot.

Oct 1, 2020

The Hidden Secret Behind Business Success // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

We've been unfortunately conditioned to focus on the founder, the owner, the entrepreneur behind a brand. In doing so, many budding business owners miss out on the fundamental ingredient to making a business thrive, especially during those early stages of growth: a team.

Sep 24, 2020


I sometimes hear men say that much of the self-help and "getting in touch with our emotions" is weak sauce, new age stuff that men don't need. In this episode I use the story of Adam in the Garden of Eden after the fall, as an example of just how key emotional insight is to us as

Sep 17, 2020

The Next Insanity // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

I'll be honest: this isn't something I want to talk about. I really wish we didn't have to deal with this next, but it is very apparent that pedophilia is going to be the next big push by the liberals. Men, we have to be aware of the reality of this. As much as I don't want to talk about this or deal with this, it is imperative that we do.
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