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Feed the Wolf

Sep 10, 2020

Why We Don't See More Founding Fathers // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Every 4 years or so we're presented with some less-than-stellar candidates for president. When we look at the political landscape and see the types of people who typically run for office, we may wonder "where are all of the 'Founding Father' types of men that this country was built upon?"  

Sep 3, 2020

The Blessing of Disruption // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

A rigid, routine and predictable life will kill you. There is a blessing in being disrupted, even when it's forced upon us. In this episode I talk about the mindset of those that thrive during the opportunities disruption affords.

Aug 27, 2020

Bricklayers vs. Brick Throwers // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

There are those who build up and those who tear down. We don't burn down businesses and call it progress. If you're going to pick up a brick, lay a foundation.

Aug 24, 2020

Is Beard Growth Oil a Thing?

Whether it's for a patchy beard or a beard that seems to grow slowly, a lot of guys are looking to see if there is a magic elixir to help their beard grow fuller and faster. While genetics play the biggest role in your beard growing potential, there are some benefits from beard oils that may help you get the beard you're looking for.

Aug 20, 2020

A Primer on Personality Types // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

A great first step to understanding yourself and others better is taking the Myers-Briggs personality type test. In this episode, I give a layman's terms explanation to what each of the different categories mean.

Aug 18, 2020

Beardsman Public Service Announcement

One of the good things to come from the COVID lockdown is that many of you have started growing a beard! Maybe you've past the itchy stage or maybe you keep shaving it off before you do. In any case, in this special Beardsman PSA I'll share some insight into how and why some of the beard grooming products work.

Aug 17, 2020

When to Start Using Beard Oil

A lot of guys think they need to wait until their beard is a few inches long before using beard oil. However, a high quality beard oil can make the early stages of beard growth much easier.

Aug 14, 2020

3 Ways to Use Beard Butter and Beard Oil Together

Using beard butter and beard oil together is a common practice for men with a beard longer than an inch. A quality beard butter will serve to condition your beard while beard oil takes care of your face. But how can you use them both without overdoing it? Here are 3 ways to get the best of both worlds.

Aug 14, 2020

Do You Need to Use Beard Butter AND Beard Oil?

This is a question I get fairly frequently: "If I'm already using beard oil, do I also need to use beard butter?" The answer varies on what you're trying to accomplish and the length of your beard. First, let's understand what the difference is between beard butter and beard oil.

Aug 13, 2020

Defining a New Generation // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Many of us are experiencing the last several months through our own adultified lens of life. But, there is a new generation watching and being heavily influenced by what they see. We have an opportunity to build them up and train them, but it starts with ourselves.

Aug 6, 2020

What Do You Really Want? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

We've got to be honest with ourselves. We say that we "Want" something, but so often do the opposite. A competing hierarchy of desires causes us to miss out on becoming the man we long to be. At the end of the day, if we aren't achieving our "wants" it's because we have other, stronger desires that are winning out.

Jul 30, 2020

I'm Back! - Part One & Two // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

My marriage nearly failed and my business (Rustic and Main) has been growing and needing more attention. I decided to put Wolf & Iron on hold in order to take care of life and business. As I get back into the swing of things I wanted to share some insights with you.
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