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Apr 4, 2014

Frugality: The Lost Virtue

Frugality doesn’t just deal with money, though that is how we typically think of it. It is a virtue that sees wisdom in contentment, quality, and ingenuity. And, it’s a virtue that we desperately need in the modern age. Here is how frugality has evolved and how you can be frugal today.

Mar 14, 2014

How to Have the Luck O’ the Irish

In some respects the Irish are not the luckiest of people. However, they have also made it through. Following Seneca’s popular phrase, that luck is when opportunity meets preparedness, I would say the Irish have been very lucky. Here's how to have some o' that luck.

Mar 3, 2014

Honor and Hubris: Lessons from the Life and Death of Stephen Decatur

The year is 1804. President Thomas Jefferson’s decision to wage war against the North African Muslim Berber states, known collectively as the Barbary States, could not have gotten off to a worse start. For years the Barbary Pirates raided American trading vessels to Europe, all the while America paid millions to the rulers of ...

Feb 17, 2014

Manly Quotes from President James A. Garfield

The year is 1881. The civil war has ended, but those fortunate enough to have lived through the battle still carry the scars, quite literally the lead and shrapnel, and families still mourn their losses on both sides. Lincoln has been assassinated, slavery abolished, and three presidents have since carried the weight of a ...

Feb 7, 2014

The Importance of Names

Naming seems to be integrated with our very humanity. Perhaps it’s our need to define our world, but I feel it carries a deeper significance than that. This week we discuss names and the importance they carry.

Feb 5, 2014

Fireside Topic: How does masculinity differ from femininity?

How does masculinity differ from femininity? If we understand that virtues that make a good man also apply to the making of a good woman it gets a little complicated. In this Fireside Topic, we explore this notion and encourage you to as well.

Jan 22, 2014

The Love of Wood

It seems that wood and manliness have always gone together. (OK, get your laughs out…better?) Seriously though, there seems to be a draw to wood and trees like no other object I can think of. This week, let's consider why we as men should (or do) love wood.

Jan 7, 2014

Mastering Your Mood

Here is a truth that can be hard to swallow: Circumstances do not dictate our mood. How can they? Our mood is in our mind. We own it. This can be difficult knowledge to work with, but I have for you some advice for mastering your mood based on quotes from some very manly sources.

Dec 23, 2013

How to Be a Man of Conviction like Phil Robertson – Part 2

Part 1 of our series on being a man of conviction like Phil Robertson focused on using logic and reason as foundations for your belief. Part 2 focuses on logical fallacies and testing your beliefs.

Dec 22, 2013

How to Be a Man of Conviction like Phil Robertson – Part 1

Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the family and founder of Duck Commander, has quite a story to tell regarding his conversion from his sex, drugs, and rock and roll loving earlier years to the family loving, virtuous man he is today. Here is how to be a man of unwavering conviction like Phil.

Dec 18, 2013

Fireside Topic: How have things changed since you were young?

It seems that every generation likes to recount the good ol’ days, reminiscing about how things were harder (and that was better) or things were better made and people had more sense. This week's Fireside Topic gets us deciding how things have changed since you were young.

Dec 12, 2013

The Meaning of a Simple Life

A few days ago I emailed Ben Hewitt, commending him on his blog, which gives his readers insight into a man and his family that have chosen to give up many aspects of modern life and its ease for the rewards of living off the land. I stated that I too, like so many men, ...
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