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Apr 1, 2021

So You Want to be a Rebel? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Every nation and group needs its rebels. Thankfully, the lines in the sand and the factions of men are becoming more clear. In this day and age, if you want to be a rebel, stand for truth and justice and God and traditional values. You'll see yourself outnumbered rather quickly, but not alone.

Mar 31, 2021

The Dangerous Draw of Group Think // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

In talking to a few friends the other night I had a realization about the power and draw of group think. For those who have not experienced it, once you have an understanding of what we're up against, you begin to realize why it is so hard to have a common sense discussion with someone who is entrenched in group thought.

Oct 22, 2020

Why Do We Do Social Media? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

We're over a decade familiar with social media. The ability to connect with people all over the world in an instant is now something we take for granted. But, why do we do it? What do we hope to get from it.As many people are looking for alternatives to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, do we really know what we want to accomplish on a new platform?

Oct 15, 2020

Response vs. Reaction // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Have you ever found yourself reacting to a situation rather than responding in the way you would like? We all have a natural instinct to respond to arguments and frustrations, but learning how to craft a "response" that we can be proud of takes time.In this episode I'll walk you through the difference between the two and how to get to a place of responding rather than reacting.

Oct 8, 2020

The Courage Of Belief // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

It takes a courageous man to witness the chaos in the world, along with the love in the world, and still believe in an Ultimate Good. Atheist can, at their discretion, opt out from the challenges that arise by holding onto an objective moral standard. Christians cannot.

Sep 24, 2020


I sometimes hear men say that much of the self-help and "getting in touch with our emotions" is weak sauce, new age stuff that men don't need. In this episode I use the story of Adam in the Garden of Eden after the fall, as an example of just how key emotional insight is to us as

Sep 17, 2020

The Next Insanity // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

I'll be honest: this isn't something I want to talk about. I really wish we didn't have to deal with this next, but it is very apparent that pedophilia is going to be the next big push by the liberals. Men, we have to be aware of the reality of this. As much as I don't want to talk about this or deal with this, it is imperative that we do.

Sep 10, 2020

Why We Don't See More Founding Fathers // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Every 4 years or so we're presented with some less-than-stellar candidates for president. When we look at the political landscape and see the types of people who typically run for office, we may wonder "where are all of the 'Founding Father' types of men that this country was built upon?"  

Sep 3, 2020

The Blessing of Disruption // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

A rigid, routine and predictable life will kill you. There is a blessing in being disrupted, even when it's forced upon us. In this episode I talk about the mindset of those that thrive during the opportunities disruption affords.

Aug 27, 2020

Bricklayers vs. Brick Throwers // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

There are those who build up and those who tear down. We don't burn down businesses and call it progress. If you're going to pick up a brick, lay a foundation.

Aug 20, 2020

A Primer on Personality Types // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

A great first step to understanding yourself and others better is taking the Myers-Briggs personality type test. In this episode, I give a layman's terms explanation to what each of the different categories mean.

Aug 18, 2020

Beardsman Public Service Announcement

One of the good things to come from the COVID lockdown is that many of you have started growing a beard! Maybe you've past the itchy stage or maybe you keep shaving it off before you do. In any case, in this special Beardsman PSA I'll share some insight into how and why some of the beard grooming products work.
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