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Jan 2, 2020

What's Your Word of the Year? // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

This is my 4th year of having a specific word to focus on. In hindsight, this has had more of a lasting effect on me than goal setting. Goals can often be marked by behavior change, but adhering to a word is to adhere to a definition...or a defining of one's character; it's much more introspective.

Dec 27, 2019

Our 6-Year Mannivesary! // Special Episode

Wolf & Iron is 6 years old! Actually, this episode is a bit late, but I wanted to give you guys an update on Wolf & Iron, milestones in 2019 and what's coming up in 2020.

Dec 26, 2019

2020 - The Year of Vision // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

By December 31st of 2020, the whole "vision" thing might be played out. It's a pretty obvious thing to latch on to, but all the same, it's cool right now. We need vision. We need it as men, as individuals, but also for our families and our nation. 

Dec 19, 2019

Start. Stop. Keep. - A New Year's Resolution Alternative // Truck Talk Thursday

New Year's resolutions have long been out of favor. Personally, I like marking the new year with some goals, but I also don't like a lot of structure on those goals. One of the best ways to set goals for the new year is to do so with some reflection on the past year. That's where the Start. Stop. Keep. method comes into play.

Dec 12, 2019

How to Think Like a Man // Truck Talk Thursday

In this episode I share a bit on how I process things, in hopes it may be helpful for some of you.

Nov 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving! // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Hug your families and enjoy the time together.

Nov 21, 2019

The Problem with Accountability // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

Accountability is quite the buzzword these days. Churches are pushing for it. Men's groups of all kinds are pushing for it. It's certainly needed, but accountability in itself does not result in the kind of change men are looking for. It should be seen as a necessary piece to growth, but not the solution.

Nov 14, 2019

Silver Bullet Society // TRUCK TALK THURSDAY

We live in a time of quick fixes and instant everything. Our silver bullet society wants a simple solution to every problem we face, and there are those who are all too eager to take your money for such a promise. But, what happens when we need to change a number of things in order to correct a problem.

Oct 31, 2019

Curiosity is Greater than Certainty // Truck Talk Thursday

I've achieved more in life through curiosity than I ever have through certainty. Developing a mindset of curiosity, especially about new efforts, will aid you in moving forward as a man and accomplishing your goals in ways you never expected.

Oct 24, 2019

Belief & Action // Truck Talk Thursday

True belief must be accompanied by action. This is done because A) you believe reality actually resembles your belief...

Oct 17, 2019

What You Missed Out on With Premarital Sex // Truck Talk Thursday

There is a certain kind of bonding which ought to take place in a relationship; cementing on various levels of intimacy. Spending time together, holding hands, hugging, kissing and so on, ideally until the day of marriage. When we skip past the other things and don't allow those small moments of intimacy to settle in, we miss out on a number of benefits and often find our relational and intimacy cravings only satisfied by sex.

Oct 10, 2019

Radical for Jesus? // Truck Talk Thursday

I was raised as a Southern Baptist. For those of you who also grew up in the south, there are some common experiences we both likely shared growing up in the Bible belt: hellfire and brimstone preaching, potlucks galore, youth trips where sex and alcohol were the norm (not for me though), and the occasional guest preacher or youth conference designed to really stir things up and get the congregation on fire for Jesus.
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