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Jun 17, 2019

Redefining Risk & Taking the Leap of Your Life // Tommy Baker

My guest today is author and coach, Tommy Baker of Resist Average Academy. He is on a mission to help people achieve their best. His latest book, The Leap of Your Life will get you overcoming negative mindset blocks and heading in the right direction.

Jun 13, 2019

How do You Talk to Your Boys about Girls? // Truck Talk Thursday

There is a fine line fathers are trying to walk with their boys. No longer is "guy talk" acceptable when it objectifies women. Yet, dads still want to help their sons acknowledged beauty in a respectful way. If, on the one hand, we treat sexuality and physical attractiveness as a taboo subject, we do harm to our sons and daughters. However, if we are glib about it, we do harm as well.

Jun 10, 2019

Turning Hardships into Opportunity // Shaun Buck of The Newsletter Pro

Shaun Buck of The Newsletter Pro, has managed to take what many would consider a dying industry to a $10 million revenue business. He's connecting business owners and their customers in a tangible way and has an incredible story of overcoming.

Jun 6, 2019

Big is Out. Boutique is In. // Truck Talk Thursday

Good news for small start ups: Big is out, boutique is in! We've certainly found this to be true for Rustic and Main (my other business) and we're seeing it all over the place with our entrepreneur friends and small businesses we know on social media. What does this mean for you, as a man? If you have the entrepreneurial spirit but are worried about the risk, here is yet another factor in your favor.

Jun 3, 2019

Your Proximity to Greatness // Ken Coleman

My returning guest today is Ken Coleman, author of the Proximity Principle: The Proven Strategy That Will Lead To The Career You Love, host of The Ken Coleman Show as well as the Entreleadership Podcast, and he is ready to teach you how to achieve greatness.

May 30, 2019

So You've Decided You're a Pagan? // Truck Talk Thursday

I'm surprised by the number of men in our Facebook group that believe in Odinism and other stories from Norse mythology. Several have left Christianity for the same reasons many are leaving: hypocrisy, legalism, division within the church...basically the very reason we need Christianity. In any case, I have a challenge for you: dig in to Christianity rather than giving up on it. And, be honest with yourself about your reasons for walking away. 

May 27, 2019

Marcus Luttrell on Family & the Never Quit Mindset // The Wolf & Iron Podcast

You know his story. The Lone Survivor. An American Hero. Badass. But, what is his mission now? How does a man go from hell to the family life? Marcus Luttrell and I dive into these questions and more. One thing is clear from this conversation: there is no quit in this man. It shows up everywhere and it's something we need more of.

May 23, 2019

Moving Towards the Emotional // Truck Talk Thursday

I don't like people crying. It feels weird to me. Don't get me wrong, I cry...or I should say I have cried. But connecting with people when they are in an overly emotional state is not something I enjoy. I find this to be true of most men. We're not the best at nurturing, and there are some biological reasons for this. But, this is an area I need to grow in, and I imagine and area you do as well.

May 16, 2019

I am a Christian // Truck Talk Thursday

So many men who are in positions of leadership and influence keep their faith "private". That always bothered me. I am a Christian. I let people know that about me because it influences my entire worldview. Being a follower of Jesus means I am created with a purpose, for a High Call, and should not base my potential upon past circumstances or what I see around me.If you can't talk about your faith, defend your faith, reason with others about your faith, then your faith is weak. We're called to be salt and light "so they may glorify your Father in heaven." We can do a lot of good in this world without connecting it to our faith, but that's that what we're called to do.

May 9, 2019

You Need to Have Fun! // Truck Talk Thursday

At some point, especially when we become fathers, we decide it's time to "put away childish things", buckle down, grind it out, and eventually die. Afterall, that's the manly thing to do right? Stoic, hard working, all business, no nonsense? It couldn't be further from the truth!

Apr 15, 2019

Jordan Harbinger // How to Form Relationships & Have Influence

One of the big challenges of our day, and will continue to be an issue with generations going forward, is being real, present, and relational with those around us. Men are meant to be in a tribe and many of us want to have a discernible influence over those around us and the ability to direct our paths to a strong degree. Jordan Harbinger understands this and our conversation will help you get on the right track in these areas.

Apr 11, 2019

Thoughts on Cursing // Truck Talk Thursday

Before we can answer the question of "Should a man curse" we need to exam whether or not language itself is something that men should elevate to a higher standard, or is it simply a tool that culture shapes and uses to communicate loose thoughts.
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