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Feed the Wolf

Sep 9, 2014

How to Become a Morning Person

Rising early is one of the traits that most (if not all) successful men have in common, but if you're not currently a morning person, how can you become one? Here is what has helped me to conquer the desire to sleep in.

Sep 5, 2014

Book Review: Paddle Your Own Canoe by Nick Offerman (aka Ron Swanson)

Some Years ago a friend of mine mentioned that I was “So much like Ron Swanson“. I didn’t know who he was talking about at the time since I hadn’t watched NBC’s Parks and Recreation (I think I was into The Office and some other shows at the time). When I ...

Sep 3, 2014

Fireside Topic: As a husband, what do you want to do well?

Marriage has unspoken expectations that a wife is generally more aware of than a man. So that brings us to the question: What do you want to do well as a husband? See some ideas to guide your answer in this week's Fireside Topic.

Sep 2, 2014

Praise and Advice for Hipsters

I generally like Hipsters. They are non-threatening and seem to have some sense about them. I would rather hang out with a group of Hipsters and have an actual conversation — when they’re not texting — than visit the previous cultures of drugs and peace and love. So I have some praise for them, but also some advice.

Aug 29, 2014

Fireside Topic: What lesson do you wish you had learned before leaving home?

There have been several occasions in my adult life where I have thought, “I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I had learned this before I became an adult.” Sometimes it is related to an everyday thing like being an early riser or following a budget. Other times it is ...

Aug 27, 2014

Famous Quotes: Justice, Peace, and Brotherhood – Martin Luther King Jr.

When I was about 8 or 9 years old my dad and I were driving around Memphis, his hometown and where I would visit during the summer. He drove by this white, run-down motel and said “That is where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot.” Of course I knew about Martin Luther King ...

Aug 26, 2014

Book Review: Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell

There is a certain kind of man who has what it takes to become a Navy SEAL. Marcus Luttrell and the men he served with are those kind of men. This book is not for the faint of heart. It is, however, for those who long to know the hearts and minds of our greatest warriors. Here is my review of Lone Survivor.

Aug 26, 2014

Famous Quotes: The Courage We Desire – Thomas Carlyle

I love this quote by Thomas Carlyle on the topic of courage and manful living. Carlyle was a satirist and writer during the Victorian era, a time when the long-standing system of religiosity, birth-right reign, and other social orders were being challenged. Share and be inspired! (Click for the full version) ...

Aug 21, 2014

Calling All Men: Write for Wolf & Iron

Do you have a manly thought you wish you could share with the world? Do you want to inspire men to be more manly? Has life taught you a few lessons you would like to share? Can you write worth a dern? Do you have a never-ending love for bacon and other meat stuffs? ...

Aug 20, 2014

Fireside Topic: In what area of life are you #winning right now?

It occurred to me that I spend a lot of time on Wolf & Iron thinking and writing about ways we men can improve ourselves. We also need to take time to think on the areas in life we are doing well and are going well, the areas that we are absolutely winning. ...

Aug 20, 2014

How to Iron Your Shirts and Pants

Before the military I assumed that ironing was “woman’s work” as it was always the women in the family that did that particular job. Unfortunately they don’t issue mothers and grandmothers in the Navy so I had to pick up this skill pretty quickly. Here is what I learned about how to iron your own shirts and pants.

Aug 14, 2014

Famous Quotes: Abraham Lincoln – The Last Best Hope of Earth

A month before signing the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln sent a letter to Congress urging them to think of what would become of the Union after the war. Here is his famous quote about the last best hope of earth during that time.
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